
Posts Tagged ‘ice skating’

After visiting the LKCNHM, we went to JCube for lunch and ice skating! The boys had been asking to go ice skating over the weekend for some reason, so it was a good opportunity to scratch that itch and bring them for a skating session.

They had so much fun! And it made me happy to see them enjoying themselves so much.

Ellery with a penguin

Ellery with a penguin

Trying to balance on the ice

Trying to balance on the ice

We changed the penguin to a seal so that they could take turns riding on it. It was also more stable for Ellery when using it as a support.

We changed the penguin to a seal so that they could take turns riding on it. It was also more stable for Ellery when using it as a support.

Taking turns

Taking turns

Asher managed to skate on his own :)

Asher managed to skate on his own :)

Skating is fun!

Skating is fun!

And to top of a day filled with fun and activity, the boys got to stay over at my parents place. They love going there for sleepovers. So it was a perfect ending to a fun-filled day :)

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Asher didn’t have school on Friday because the K2 kids were going to have a sleepover in school (how fun right?) Since Asher had been asking to go ice-skating again I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to bring him. With Ellery in school I could focus my attention on Asher and help him become more confident on the ice.

So off we went to JCube. After a warming lunch of katsu curry (he said he wanted his body to warm up so he wouldn’t feel cold on the ice), we went ice-skating, just him and me. Alyssa was with Eni.

It was really special for Asher and I. I seldom ever get the chance to be with just him, even when there were just 2 kids. With 3 it’s even tougher. This was our first time, and he was so happy.

We were pleasantly surprised to bump into his two classmates there. They had been wanting to go back after the Frozen party too. It was great! He became a lot steadier on the ice and could move a little more smoothly, though still far from what I’d call skating. Still more like walking, or shuffling. But he was not afraid. And he was happy :)

I didn’t realise that the Rink had fixed timeslots for skating and we missed about 30mins of the 2 hour slot, but I made a promise to him, so I kept it. And it was so worth it.

With his classmates on the ice

With his classmates on the ice

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The boys attended a Frozen themed birthday party that was held at the Rink at J Cube – the perfect location for a Frozen party. So perfect we saw several Elsa’s that day, but Asher’s friend’s dress was the prettiest by far. Hers was the authentic Elsa dress. Very nice!

Lovely decor - if you wanna do a Frozen party, this is how you do it

Lovely decor – if you wanna throw a Frozen party, this is how you do it

The birthday girl in a beautiful dress

The birthday girl in her beautiful Elsa dress

There was also a beautiful Frozen themed cake that was a real pity to cut, but a delight to eat.

Frozen cake

Frozen cake

For the boys, the best part was going ice skating. It was their first time on the ice and they enjoyed themselves tremendously. I had thought it would be difficult for them to walk on the thin blades even on normal ground, but they were able to. I guess it’s not that difficult. But they did surprise me by being able to walk on the ice without instantly falling to the ground. I had expected them to be sliding all over the place. Maybe I have very low expectations of them? But it’s nice to be surprised by what they are able to do.

Ellery very much needed the penguin support in order to move around, and even then slipped quite often, though again, less often that I expected. Asher was pretty much able to move about on his own, albeit a tiny step at a time, and more like walking rather than skating. He did fall, of course, but took it well. I had primed the boys beforehand that “falling is normal”, and they’d repeat that line whenever they fell :) For  a first time I thought they both did very well! And they enjoyed themselves so much they have been asking to go back again ever since.

Yay! Ice skating is something I’ve always enjoyed. I had wanted to bring them to try it sooner but became pregnant with Alyssa. But seems it’s worth the wait. Asher is becoming braver and more willing to try new things as he gets older, so I guess it’s better he’s exposed to this now rather than earlier where he might have developed a phobia prematurely.

I think we’ll be coming back!

They were so pleased with themselves that they could walk with the ice skates on

They were so pleased with themselves that they could walk with the ice skates on :)

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